South Korea is one of the countries with highest teen suicide rate among the developed countries in the world. The Country's education system is hard and the school timings can be up to 4 pm but because of cram school's or in-school study halls the studying does not end up until 11 pm. Almost every high school they do this.
Mostly the parent's with unrealistic expectations is one of the reasons behind the stress the youth face.
The College entrance exam is one of the toughest challenges Korean youth faces. Since most companies only consider top colleges for recruitment the competition is going to be fierce.
Education is all about memorization not about learning something new although it is enough for Pisa test it's not enough on the global level competition. Because of this memorization, most Korean students are now lacking creativity.
Surprising despite all the amount of stress students are facing there is no high school counseling.
A Race to gain good grades and to attend a good university most Korean students are losing something valuable in exchange for perfection.
Korean Dramas like Sassy Go and School 2017 explained about the harsh education system of Korea and also the Bollywood movie 3 idiots (you can buy it here) explored this topic.
Thankfully the government of South Korea is trying their best to avoid these type of problems.
If you are the person suffering from stress about education please be strong and fight your way out!!!
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