Plot: Gankutsuou is based on a classic novel of Count of Monte Cristo. It follows the story of a man on a cruel journey of revenge and a young man named Albert Morcerf who becomes his pawn believing it to be friendship.
The Story: This is based on one of the greatest revenge stories ever written. The expectations are high and the anime despite being a loosely adapted version of the original it did a pretty good job. There are several loose adaptations that ended up becoming trash but that's not the case with this show the writing is phenomenal. The dialogues are great there is maturity and the things the characters say makes sense and doesn't feel out of character. The pacing is smooth each episode is heart-pounding and wants you to come back as soon as possible. The characters are so well written each character has humanistic flaws that make them feel real. but there are some characters that needed to be fleshed out they aren't bland they just needed more screen time. The story has everything to blow you away there is heartbreak, revenge, love, mystery every element you need in a revenge melodrama drama.
The Art: The will be hard to get used to for some people and once you get used to it you will be able to appreciate more. Everything blends perfectly even though the cg is horrible thanks to the 2d art style it doesn't feel out of the place. Unless you intentionally notice and nitpick it and if you do that trust me it will ruin your experience.
The Sound: The opening is great it perfectly captures count's emotions and how devastating his life was and how everything has gone wrong. The Ending is great too but it felt more like an opening than an ending as if they accidentally misplaced both of them. Now coming to the soundtrack they aren't masterpieces the osts fit well but they don't leave a big impression on the audience.
Final Rating: 3.5/5
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